
Friday, June 23, 2017

The Main Benefits of Using the Electronic Cigarette

The Main Benefits of Using the Electronic Cigarette

In 2001 when Hon Lik watched his father slowly die of smoking related illness, he decided that not only should he kick his own 40-a-day habit but also use his background as a pharmacist and inventor to create a safer cigarette. In 2004 the first commercial electronic cigarette was sold. Although it was only available in China, it was a revolution that won Hon Lik the Kcancer award for services helping prevent people get cancer.

The electronic cigarette does not burn tobacco, so you are getting none of the harmful effects of inhaling tobacco smoke like in real cigarettes. Instead it uses a blend of chemicals which vaporize when heated to produce a thick water vapor with a consistency almost like real smoke. However, since it is just water it doesn’t contain any tar, carbon monoxide and hundreds of other chemicals found in real cigarette smoke. There are still harmful chemicals, nicotine being one of them, but much less than in real cigarettes.

With governments around the world clamping down on cigarette smokers, taxes on tobacco are increasing many times faster than inflation. As a result, the average pack of cigarettes no sells for about $6 and this is only going to get more expensive. By contrast, the nicotine cartridge used in an electronic cigarette, while it is more expensive, because it lasts for much longer it works out to around $2 per pack at the current prices. If you smoke one pack per day then you’ll be saving $28 per week or $120 a month, which means the starter kit can pay for itself in just one month.

One of the primary reasons people buy the electronic cigarette is because it virtually eliminates the odor from traditional smoking. Some brands like Green Smoke do a better job than others, but no one will know that you had a smoke just before the client meeting. The smell of smoke has many negative connotations, infact it has been the driving force for many people to give up smoking. An electronic cigarette means that you never have to chew gum or spray liberal amounts of perfume again!

Finally, cigarettes have been implicated in some major fire disasters. Simple things such as falling asleep with a lit cigarette or discarding a cigarette which is still burning can cause catastrophic damage and even loss of life. An electronic cigarette is powered by a lithium ion battery and has no combustible parts meaning that there is no risk of fire. A secondary consequence of this is that you don’t require any ashtray and there is no ash than needs to be discarded.

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